Boyokan was established by sensei Jurij Kerpan in 1999 when he officially started to teach Yoshinkan Aikido style in Brno.
Po několika letech cvičení se dojo rozrostlo o zkušené členy. Ze stálého jádra trénuje pravidelně několik držitelů černého pásku a v Tuřanech probíhá trénink dětí. Naše dojo se účastní zahraničních seminářů Aikida a každé tři měsíce pořádá vlastní víkendová soustředění.

Our dojo is officially registered in Japan under the name Boyokan.
This name was originally created only as a combination of the words: Brno and Yoshinkan. In 2009 when two of our members visited Japan, Tsuneo Ando Shihan, one of the best instructors of Yoshinkan Aikido on the world, gave this word a calligraphical form which was a great honor for us.

The meaning is: "A place from where a light (destiny, hope...) can be seen."

6.Dan - Shihan (Lead Instructor)

Jurij Kerpan

I was born in Ukraine where skirmishes and street fights were completely common. I've never been a brawler on my own but I was fascinated by people who could very skillfully defend themselves. And self-defense was a reason why I tried various martial arts.

During the military service I was assigned to special forces where we had to train a martial art called "Rukapašnyj boj" - something like a sort of street fight.
Po vojně jsem se rozhodl, že budu v tom pokračovat a na jednom ze sparingů jsem pochopil, že je mnohem výhodnější umět využívat sílu a energii protivníka. A tak jsem v roce 1995 přešel k Aikidu.

And aikido is exactly what I was looking for - There is a philosophy, spiritual aspect, the main principle is not to hurt anyone, it is a self-defense, it uses the power and energy of an opponent and there are no limits of age, sex or physical power.
Nowadays, Aikido is my life-style and I find in it very often answers for many situations in my daily life, work or family matters.

Aikido is a great path to take, especially for those who want to learn not only how to defend themselves but also increase their self-confidence and mental health. Besides, in our club you can find a great atmosphere and people with open hearths.


Who will help you with your aikido journey at the trainings and seminars?

Jurij Kerpan (6.Dan)

Shihan - Lead instructor

Jurij Kerpan (6.Dan)

Vladimír Dubový (2.Dan)

Trainings for adults

I have been practicing martial arts since the age of 12 and Aikido for about 20 years. When I changed from traditional karate to aikido, I liked that it is not about beating your opponent... but about searching for a way to connect with the energy of another person. Yoshinkan, thanks to well-structured teaching system, was more understandable for me than traditional aikido but I'm still amazed how different approaches can lead to a functional technique and like to learn from all aikido masters which I can meet.

Vladimír Dubový (2.Dan)

Patrik Hurta (1.Dan)

Deputy trainer - adults/kids

Yoshinkan Aikido se věnuji od roku 2013, ale k bojovým uměním jsem měl našlápnuto odjakživa. Jako malý jsem nejprve chvíli cvičil judo, ale nebylo to úplně pro mě. Když jsem s aikidem začal, tak jsem v tom viděl pouze sebeobranu a boj. Postupem času a dospíváním mě však styl Yoshinkan oslovil především svojí dynamikou, efektivitou a precizností technik.

Patrik Hurta (1.Dan)