Seminář s Tsuneo Ando Shihan


13. 6. 2025 - 15. 6. 2025    
whole day


€95,00 - €120,00


Dojo Brno-Tuřany
Hanácká 448/38, Brno-Tuřany, Jihomoravský kraj, 620 00

Event Type

map unavailable


We would like to invite you to an international seminar with

Tsuneo Ando Shihan
(9.Dan Aikido Ryu)

which is going to take place in June 2025 in our dojo Brno-Tuřany, in the Czech republic..

Do not miss the unique opportunity to meet a direct student of Gozo Shioda and one of the best instructors of our Aikido style on the world.

Discounted price of 95€ applies by a payment till 31.12.2024.Later or at the day of event 120€ for whole seminar.

Important: Please add in the comment of your booking: the dojo in which you train and ideally also your rank so we have an overview regarding experience of the seminar participants.
If you would like to sleep on mats in dojo, please let us know in advance (ideally straight away as a part of the comment in your booking).

The seminar will probably start on Friday in the evening. The exact schedule and further details will be provided couple months before the seminar.




Vstupenky / Tickets

Typ lístku Cena Počet míst
discounted price
Při registraci a platbě do 31.12.2024
€95,00 N/A
Běžná cena
při platbě po 01.01.2025

Registrační informace / Registration Information

Shrnutí rezervace / Booking Summary

x Běžná cena
Total Price